Globular Cluster

M 3 = NGC 5272


Image M 3 = NGC 5272
Time 2010/05/23 15:22:44 UTC - 15:46:08 UTC
Place Mt. Guizi, Wuchang, Hubei Province, China
Optics Skywatcher 130-mm reflector f/5
Camera Canon EOS 400D (ISO 800)
Mount NEQ6 Pro
Exposure 60 s x 10 frames
Processing 10 images stacked in DeepSkyStacker 3.2.2 with dark frames subtracted and flatfield divided; fixed with Fitswork V4.25, IRIS V5.33 and Photoshop CS3 Extended; 0.5x resized and cropped;
Comments images taken by Zhu Mao and processed by me; severe city light pollution; SNR still low due to shortage of light frames;




Copyright © Man-To Hui (Wentao Xu)

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