Comet 185P/Petriew




2012 Aug 22

Time Stamp 2012/08/22 20:11:46 UTC - 21:22:10 UTC
Place Nhựt Thúng Pâu Observatory, Luogang, Canton, China
Optics APO Mamiya 200 mm f/2.8 lens set to f/4.0
Camera Canon EOS 50D (ISO 500)
Mount Astrotrac TT320X-AG
Exposure 30 s x 100 frames
Processing images stacked in IRIS 5.59 with standard calibration procedure performed; fixed with IRIS 5.59, Fitswork V4.44 and Photoshop CS3 Extended; origin size and cropped;
road lights and twilight; Venus only several degrees away thereby strong influence.
For astrometry and photometry results, please pay your visit here.


Copyright © Man-To Hui  2012/09/08

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