Comet C/2009 R1 (McNaught)

on 2010 May 23 UT


Time 2010/05/23 19:41 UT - 20:33 UT
Place φ = 30°31'16.21" N, λ = 114°21'29.99" E, +53m, Wuhan, China
Optics Skywatcher 13-cm reflector, f/5
Camera Canon EOS 400D (ISO 800)
Exposure 30 s x 61 frames
Processing 61 images stacked in DeepSkyStacker 3.2.2 with dark frames subtracted and flatfielded; fixed with Fitswork V4.25, IRIS V5.56 and Photoshop CS3 Extended; 0.5x resized and cropped;
Comments smog; city lights; The coma is typically in cyan.



Processing 61 images stacked in DeepSkyStacker 3.2.2 with dark frames subtracted; fixed with Fitswork V4.25, IRIS V5.56 and Photoshop CS3 Extended; color discarded; fourth root of pixel value calculated; 0.5x resized and cropped;
Comments coma elongated or tail towards approximately p.a. 260 deg.; Click the above image to view a higher resolution one.



Processing 61 images stacked in DeepSkyStacker 3.2.2 with dark frames subtracted and flatfielded; fixed with Fitswork V4.25, IRIS V5.56 and Photoshop CS3 Extended; color discarded; squareroot and logarithmic of pixel value calculated for several times;
Comments coma elongated or tail towards approximately p.a. 260 deg.; Click the above image to view a higher resolution one.



Processing 61 images stacked in DeepSkyStacker 3.2.2 with dark frames subtracted; fixed with Fitswork V4.25, IRIS V5.56 and Photoshop CS3 Extended; color discarded; Larson-Sekanina filter with a radius of 6.00 and a rotation of 15.0° applied; 0.5x resized and cropped;
Comments No much detail is seen but the coma seems to be highly central condensed. Click the above image to view a higher resolution one.



Comments cropped from the original size image above; No much detail is seen but the coma seems to be highly central condensed and appeared elongated like a tilted bar?



Copyright © Man-To Hui (Wentao Xu)

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