Comet C/2012 X1 (LINEAR)




2014 Jan 22


Place Nhựt Thống Pâu Observatory, Luogang, Canton, China
Optics APO Mamiya 200mm f/2.8 lens set to f/5.6
images stacked in IRIS 5.59 with standard calibration procedure performed in average method; further processed in Fitswork V4.46, and Photoshop CS3 Extended; original size but cropped.
This image has to be rotated by 72.9 deg clockwise to achieve the standard orientation, i.e. north up and east left. The waning moon posed great influence on the observation. Fog and haze. The temperature was only 2 Celsius. For photometry and astrometry please visit this page. An animation showing the motion of comet was also presented there.



Copyright © Man-To Hui  2014/01/26

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