During photographing the comet, it remained alt. ~10 deg only in the rapidly dawning sky. Mouse-over to see the labels, including the orientation and image scale of the image. |
MPC observation computed with Astrometrica using NOMAD star catalog:
OBS M.-T. Hui, X. Gao
MEA M.-T. Hui
TEL 0.07-m f/2.8 refractor + CCD
ACK MPCReport file updated 2013.08.03 01:24:50
AC2 wentaopachacoti@gmail.com
CK13N040 KC2013 08 01.89213 07 38 31.11 +39 37 52.6 11.9 N C42
CK13N040 KC2013 08 01.90015 07 38 33.11 +39 37 43.4 10.5 N C42
I performed multiaperture photometry of this comet by APER.pro:
Radius of aperture 0 = 1.0
Radius of aperture 1 = 2.0
Radius of aperture 2 = 3.0
Radius of aperture 3 = 4.0
Radius of aperture 4 = 5.0
Radius of aperture 5 = 6.0
Radius of aperture 6 = 7.0
Radius of aperture 7 = 8.0
Inner radius for sky annulus = 15.0
Outer radius for sky annulus = 25.0
Sky SkySig SkySkw Magnitudes
834.46 3.12 0.21 12.485+-0.260 11.358+-0.158 10.902+-0.133 10.671+-0.126 10.558+-0.127 10.414+-0.125
10.347+-0.130 10.343+-0.140
ZP = 17.052
The plot of multiaperture photometry, with $m_\infty$ solved:
Copyright @ Man-To Hui 2013/08/
05Feel free to e-mail me with any doubts or questions.