Comet 257P/2003 T12 = 2012 A3 (SOHO)


2012/01/30    2012/01/31


2012 Jan 31

Mouse-over to browse the image in 4-color sequels version attached.
Redistribution or reproduction of the image is prohibited without permission.

MPC observation computed with Astrometrica using both UCAC-3 and CMC-14 star catalogs -- the former for astrometric reduction and the latter for photometric work:

OBS H. Sato
MEA M.-T. Hui
TEL 0.25-m f/3.4 reflector + CCD
    PK03T120 KC2012 01 31.06001 23 02 18.17 -11 21 45.1                      H06
    PK03T120 KC2012 01 31.06412 23 02 19.50 -11 21 40.9          14.9 N      H06
    PK03T120 KC2012 01 31.06867 23 02 21.57 -11 21 34.1          14.9 N      H06
----- end -----
Photometry result computed with FOCAS II, which processes images based upon the .LOG file of Astrometrica, by means of Multibox method:

 20x20  30x30  40x40  50x50  60x60   SNR   SB   COD
OBJECT        DATE       TIME        +/-    +/-    +/-    +/-    +/-    +/-
    N  FWHM  CAT
 ---------- --------  -----  -----  -----  -----  -----  -----  ----  ----  ---
P/2003 T12
   31/01/2012 01:35:36  14.87  14.04  13.70  13.42  13.27  13.21   8.6  15.7  H06
P/2003 T12
   31/01/2012 01:35:36*  0.02   0.02   0.04   0.07   0.10   0.04     2  12.9  CMC

FoCAs II - 17/03/2010
Interpretation of the FOCAS II table headings:
Fisrt line:
OBJECT, DATE, TIME: refering to their original meanings respectively
10x10, 20x20 ... 60x60: the aperture sizes of photometry in term of rectangle in arcsec that are used to measure an object's magnitude
SNR: the Signal-to-Noise Ratio for aperture photometry
SB: stars of faintest magnitude on the images used in data reduction with the used star catalog in Astrometrica, rather than the stars of faintest magnitude in the images
COD: MPC Code of the observatory
Second line:
+/-: precisions of measurement
N: the number of used images for measurement
FWHM: Full-Width-Half-Maximum of total PSF, relevant to degree of seeing
CAT: the used star catalog in Astrometrica


Copyright @ Man-To Hui 2012/02/29


2012 Jan 30


This observation was performed remotely by Hidetaka Sato from Japan, remotely from H06, near Mayhill, the US. It was the first ever observation from ground-based that successfully capture the comet, which is discovered in spaceborne satellite SOHO in 2003 and recovered by Alan Watson in January 2012 in HI1b images, thus significance beyond any word. Under my request, the data was kindly sent from Hidetaka san and all the usage is within his permission. Redistribution or reproduction of these images or the following data is prohibited if there is no request beforehands.

Mouse-over to browse the image in 4-color sequels version attached.

MPC observation computed with Astrometrica using both UCAC-3 and CMC-14 star catalogs -- the former for astrometric reduction and the latter for photometric work:

OBS H. Sato
MEA M.-T. Hui
TEL 0.25-m f/3.4 reflector + CCD
    PK03T120 KC2012 01 30.05933 22 55 58.44 -11 41 25.1          15.5 N      H06
    PK03T120 KC2012 01 30.06284 22 55 59.66 -11 41 24.5          14.8 N      H06
    PK03T120 KC2012 01 30.06635 22 56 01.11 -11 41 23.1          15.2 N      H06
----- end -----
Photometry result computed with FOCAS II, which processes images based upon the .LOG file of Astrometrica, by means of Multibox method. The error is excessively large attributable to the low SNR of the comet. So large the error goes to, the calculation pauses to 30" x 30" box:

 20x20  30x30  40x40  50x50  60x60   SNR   SB   COD
OBJECT        DATE       TIME        +/-    +/-    +/-    +/-    +/-    +/-
    N  FWHM  CAT
 ---------- --------  -----  -----  -----  -----  -----  -----  ----  ----  ---
P/2003 T12
   30/01/2012 01:30:29  15.17  14.85  14.36                        6.1  15.1  H06
P/2003 T12
   30/01/2012 01:30:29*  0.28   0.54   0.44                          3  13.6  CMC

FoCAs II - 17/03/2010
Interpretation of the FOCAS II table headings:
Fisrt line:
OBJECT, DATE, TIME: refering to their original meanings respectively
10x10, 20x20 ... 60x60: the aperture sizes of photometry in term of rectangle in arcsec that are used to measure an object's magnitude
SNR: the Signal-to-Noise Ratio for aperture photometry
SB: stars of faintest magnitude on the images used in data reduction with the used star catalog in Astrometrica, rather than the stars of faintest magnitude in the images
COD: MPC Code of the observatory
Second line:
+/-: precisions of measurement
N: the number of used images for measurement
FWHM: Full-Width-Half-Maximum of total PSF, relevant to degree of seeing
CAT: the used star catalog in Astrometrica


Copyright @ Man-To Hui 2012/02/29

Feel free to e-mail me with any doubts or questions.


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