Currently I mainly focus on
bodies in the solar system, in particular comets and asteroids. These
objects are conceived to be remnants and leftovers from the early solar
system, and therefore may carry information of great importance and
scientific interest about the early stage and evolution of the solar
system. The targets on which I have spent the most time can
be conveniently categorised into the following classes, i.e., active
asteroids and near-Sun comets.
Active Asteroids
This type of objects are used to be
termed "Main-Belt Comets" formerly. Hitherto there are roughly twenty
known active asteroids discovered. Only recently were they recognised
as a new class of bodies in the
solar system. They are dynamically asteroidal objects (Tisserand
parameter with respect to Jupiter \(T_\mathrm{J} \ge 3\)),
however, have
or are being observed to show evidence of cometary features. The
interpretation of their activity includes varieties of physical
mechanisms, such
as sublimation of volatiles (e.g., 133P/Elst-Pizarro), thermal fracture
(3200 Phaethon), rotational instability (e.g., P/2010 A2 (LINEAR)),
impacts (596 Scheila), etc. The recognition of the active
asteroids is of great significance because they probably form the third
cometary reservoir, independent from the hypothetical Oort cloud and
the Kuiper belt.
Dynamicists have studied orbital evolution of the
active asteroids, and the current conclusion is that it is difficult
for a body with an origin from the Kuiper belt to maintain a main-belt
like orbit. Inclusion of a nongravitational effect due to asymmetric
mass-loss activity may push such an object into a main-belt orbit,
however, the problem is that the nongravitational effect has to be
excessively large (greater than that of comet 2P/Encke) and that the
exerting time has to be rather long,
much longer than the physical lifetime before exhaustion of volatiles.
My advisor David Jewitt has a special page
discussing the active asteroids wonderfully. For more technical
information, please read Jewitt et al. (2015).
Active asteroid
313P/Gibbs observed by SDSS in UT 2003 Oct 24, Sloan-r' band. White and
cyan arrows indicate the directions of the projected antisolar and the
sky-plane projected heliocentric velocity vectors. The object was \(r_\mathrm{H}
= 2.5\) AU away from the Sun. Taken from Hui & Jewitt (2015).
Near-Sun Asteroids/Comets
I developed my interest in near-Sun
objects during my high school when participating in a citizen science
project where amateurs used coronagraphic images taken by the Solar and
Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) and the Solar Terrestrial Relation
Observatory (STEREO). The sungrazing comets are the most famous family
in this class of objects, in that majority of the historically
brightest comets belonged to this family, such as the Great Comet in
1888. Unfortunately the definition about the sungrazing family remains
somewhat blurred, although it has long been identified since the late
nineteenth century by Kreutz (1888), after whom the Kreutz family was
named. So far the best scheme was by Walsh & Knight
(2012), which is that, an object that enters the Roche limit of the Sun
and suffers from gravitational tidal effects is a sungrazer. However,
it has its own imperfection, because the Roche limit is related to the
object's shape, nucleus spin state, and interior properties like bulk
which are all poorly known. Generally speaking, sungrazing comets have
perihelion distances \(q < 5R_\odot\), where \(R_\odot = 0.00465\) AU is
the radius of the Sun.
Other near-Sun types including the Meyer, Marsden and Kracht groups
were all recognised in 2000s, whose perihelion distances have \(q >
6R_\odot\) approximately. The larger perihelion distances make them less
susceptible to disintegration. The only evidence so far that such an
object was being observed to disrupt is C/2015 D1 (SOHO) in 2015.
According to a study led by me (Hui et al. 2015),
the disintegration event was likely due to excessive pressure built up
within its interior as the temperature gradient soared around its
perihelion passage. Although there is no direct observational evidence
about disruptions of members in the Meyer, Marsden and Kracht groups,
yet dynamical analysis has revealed that they may be associated with
comet 96P/Machholz and altogether may share the same progenitor in the
Nevertheless, because of proximity to the Sun around perihelia of the
near-Sun bodies, disruption is prone to occurring. This potentially
forms a great opportunity to
investigate interiors of the small bodies as a natural laboratory,
although their surfaces may be thermally evolved substantially. At
the same time, however, because of near-Sun observing geometry, it is
generally difficult to observe the near-Sun objects around their
perihelia. So far the studies have to predominantly rely on data from
SOHO and
STEREO, both of which are not actually designed to conduct observations
small bodies and therefore the data quality is nasty if used for this
kind of studies.
Dynamical evolution of the near-Sun bodies is of interest as well.
There are a couple of dynamical processes which will finally result in
a body moving in such an orbit. For instance, comet 2P/Encke may be
evolving into a near-Sun orbit, driven by the \(\nu_6\) secular
resonance. The
Kozai mechanism can be responsible as well, as a result from
conservation of the component of the orbital angular momentum
perpendicular to the invariable plane of the Sun and main perturbers. A
nongravitational acceleration whose transverse component in the orbital
plane is anti-parallel to the veolcity component in the same direction
will decrease the orbital angular momentum and energy of the body,
therefore it will move sunwards gradually and finally becomes a
near-Sun object.
Last Update: 2016/07/23 |