1 Ceres

2006 Aug 16 19:20~20:30 UT; mag.= 7.6; Phase: 5 deg.; Transparency: AAAA4/7; Az.: 45 deg.; Alt.: 18 deg.; 10cm f/7 70x
Note: The circle in the left image means the FOV. The size of 1 Ceres only means its magnitude.


2006 Aug 29 17:50~18:50 UT; mag.= 7.8; Phase: 8 deg.; Seeing: 1 Antoniadi; Transparency: AAAA5/7; Az.: 40 deg.; Alt.: 22 deg.; 10cm f/7 70x
Note: The circle in the image means the FOV. The size of 1 Ceres only means its magnitude.


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